Long ago I ate it for the first time in Rotterdam it was prepared by my Cape Verdian Auntie, and it tasted delicious. Years later I saw that this codfish croquette is sold everywhere in Lisbon. Now I prepare this tasty codfish croquette myself. the addiction was then started! Pasteis the bacalhau!
Pasteis de Bacalhau.
1 kg Potatoes, cooked and pureed.
500 gr Bacalhau (salted codfish) and then boil.
1 onion cut.
4 garlic fine toes, or garlic puree.
2 whole eggs.
Leaf parsley.
White pepper.
Sunflower oil for baking.
1. Cut the bacalhau (salted cod) into pieces, and boil the fish in water to boil out the salt. This can take up to 1 hour. ( if its still too salty after boiling the fish, just boil it again.)
2. Meanwhile, put the chopped onion together with garlic in a pan and set it aside.
3. Meanwhile, cook the potatoes for about 20 minutes.
4. Then rinse the bacalhau with cold water and remove the bones and the skin.
5.Please seal the bacalhau with gloves until it is fine enough.
6. Puree the potatoes with a puree cutter or a stirrer.
7. Mix the mashed potatoes with the bacalhau, garlic, onion and add some white pepper.
8. Mix the potato-bacalhau mixture with the finely chopped leaf parsley.
9. Then add the eggs and knead everything well.
10. You can now make quenelles (oval shape).
11.Put this by means of two oval-shaped spoons in a container of vinegar. Fry / fry the quenelles at 180 ° C until golden brown.
12. You can also bake the quenelles in frying pan with some extra vegetable oil.
Let them drain on kitchen paper.