Why is protein important?
Proteins are like carbohydrates and fats an nutrient. It has a beneficial effect on weight control because it contains many nutrients. This gives you a full feeling in your stomach for a long time, so that a diet can easily be sustained.
In addition, protein helps build and repair muscles, it is good for hair and skin and provides essential amino acids for a number of chemical processes of the body. In addition, proteins help the blood to spread oxygen through the body, sounds great right !
Proteins also fit well in a diet. This is because the body has to use more energy to digest proteins. This means that the metabolism has to work harder and that is beneficial if you want to lose body weight. You also have a long full feeling, which keeps your blood sugar level stable. This means that you will start to eat less .
Proteins are the building blocks of the body. It is therefore worthwhile to keep an eye on whether you are getting enough.
If you read further the calculation can help you to establish a guideline..
Our need for protein differs per gender, age and physical activity. The standard calculation used to calculate at least the minimum amount of protein for a person is by multiplying the body weight in kilograms by 0.8. The outcome is the amount of grams that a person should receive at least a day. So if you weigh 75 kilos, you need at least 60 grams of protein per day. This is based on someone who leads an inactive.
The list of Protein foods ....
Type of food Protein per 100 grams
Steak 25 gram
Roast beef 28 gram
Entrecôte 23 gram
Pork tenderloin 23 gram
Tartar 22 gram
Chicken fillet 23 gram
Tuna 25 gram
Mackerel 24 gram
Smoked salmon 25 gram
Squid 24 gram
Sardines 22 gram
Meat substitutes
Tofu / bean curd 12 gram
Seitan (gluten) 22 gram
Vegetarian minced meat 18 gram
Vegetarian burger 16 gram
Vegetarian chicken pieces 14 gram
Tempeh 12 gram
Soybeans 17 gram
Lupine 16 gram
Edamame 11 gram
Lentils 10 gram
Black beans 9 gram
Kidney beans 8 gram
Pea 5 gram
Parmesan cheese ( hard cheese) 40 gram
Hard cheese 25 - 40 gram
Soft cheese 10 - 17 gram
Skimmed cottage cheese 9 gram
Eggs 13 gram
Bean sprouts 7 gram
Kale 4 gram
Artichoke 3,3 gram
Brussels sprouts 4 gram
Broccoli 3 gram
Spinach 3 gram
Avocado 2 gram
Cereals (dry form)
Quinoa 16 gram
Amaranth 14 gram
Oatmeal 13 gram
Couscous 13
Spelt 12 gram
Whole grain paste 12 gram
Nuts and seeds
Pistachio nuts 20 gram
Linseed 20 gram
Hemp seed 37 gram
Sunflower seeds 27 gram
Peanuts 25 gram
Pumpkin seeds 25 gram